To get back to the original question, if the OP's existing single-ended Valhalla cable has only one conductor to carry signal plus a different kind or character of conductor to carry the ground side of an SE hook-up, then indeed he may want to change the cable for one that affords two identical conductors, one each for each phase of the balanced output of the cartridge, plus a third to ground the shield, tonearm, phono stage, etc, which connects to pin 1 of the XLR connector, in Ralph's scheme. However, spending $1000 to do this is just not necessary. Buy some very thin gauge high purity copper or silver wire (according to preference) and some braided shield, from Michael Percy audio, and learn to do a little soldering. You could easily build a very high quality IC for under $200 that way, or you could internally rewire the VPI box for much less.
Unbalanced to balanced VPI junction box change?
I have a VPI classic 1 with Valhalla wiring. Currently have a rca junction box and considering changing for XLR. My only reservation is needing to upgrade wiring along with the junction box. For my taste an approximate $1000.00 upgrade. I love the sound now, would be worth upgrading?