I have dealt with this since 2003, when I suffered sudden loss in my left ear when someone blew a party kazoo in my ear at point blank range (New Year's Eve). The first thing is to accept that stereo imaging will never be the same as what it was prior to the loss. No amount of speaker placement, EQ, volume configurations can replace what correct hearing provides. However, one can correct as much as possible for the imbalance with proper balance adjustments and EQ. I have used a Beringer EQ via a tape loop on my preamp to finely tune balance. I have been able to achieve a correct center image (completely impossible prior), but at the expense of increasing ALL left channel info. The right ear now hears excessive left channel info, thus destroying the overall stereo image. I can easily detect balance shifts as little as .5dB as they affect the center image, thus the Beringer, which has .5dB increments. I wish you luck, as this has been a bear for me.
Unbalanced hearing
Wondering if anyone has something similar, and how do you deal with it?
For several years at least (I'm in my 40's) I've had high frequency loss and mild tinnitus on the left side only. The right side tests perfectly. I assume its from noise exposure, but I have no explanation for it being one sided.
For several years at least (I'm in my 40's) I've had high frequency loss and mild tinnitus on the left side only. The right side tests perfectly. I assume its from noise exposure, but I have no explanation for it being one sided.