UltraAnalog 20 bit vs. Burr Brown 24 bit

It may not have the top end shimmer or bottom end slam...but some of the CD players or DACs that I have heard with the old UltraAnalog 20 bit DACs sound more like music than some of the more recent chips....any other thoughts out there?

Showing 1 response by spokanais

The continously advances in semiconductor fabricating process will produce better and better data conversion products, in this case the DACs inside your audio equipments. The differences could be the grading quality of the BB DAC vs. the Ultra Analog DAC, the preceeding digital filter, error correction, dithering or noise shaping stages and no less important the lowpass analog filter stage just before output. So you may have to dig deeper into the design of each piece of equipment to figure out why the discrepancies. Cheers,