
I wonder if anyone can vouch for this company, they advertise on Ebay and apparently are based in Greece. I'm looking for a Nordost powercord and they have one at a great price. Thanks family, Joe


With the high number of counterfeit fakes out there that includes many on EBay, I would strongly recommend that you first check with NORDOST as to their authorized dealer status or reported complaints or cautions against the seller.

Also, refer NORDOST to the EBay listing itself and ask NORDOST to check out the listing deets and the pics to see if there is something obvious that is amiss . I did that with CARDAS who immediately identified fake cheap IEC and power plug connectors instead of legit quality build OEM ones on a top model CARDAS power cable listed on a discount = you betcha, a junk counterfeit fake listed on REVERB, EBay, and other online marketplaces by an unauthorized seller at an “attractive” price.


don’t ignore the time honoured homily that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is and is just a greed-induced trap that you will regret. If it doesn’t come with a Certificate of Authenticity ( COA) or in NORDOST case ( I’ve previously owned them ) there is a serial number imprinted on the cable that NORDOST can identify and confirm …the serial number should match the OEM label on the OEM packaging deets …. .I personally would not touch it .. full stop.


When I listed and sold my NORDOST array piecemeal, I had certain pieces shipped to NORDOST to verify and recertification of authenticity that was the key to get market preowned price and buyer trust in a timely sale.

Since they are selling it on a dodgy Ebay in the first part, and because you already expressed the bait and hook further red flag that it is listed at a “killer” price, and it is listed out of an obscure foreign jurisdiction ….. there is a huge risk to you of it being a “too good to be true” counterfeit junk build fake.

Caveat emptor and choose wisely .


Thanks Lou, I have dealt with The Cable Co. for many years. I was looking at a used powercord that is priced very reasonably.

They appear to have a lot of positive feedback on eBay and it’s only interconnects so shipping from Greece to the US shouldn’t be too expensive.  However, if you want to deal with a US company look into The Cable Company.  thecableco.com 

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