exciting to be contemplating turntables of this level, i use to own the Rockport Sirius III, and you own the Caliburn. heady stuff.
personally not heard either of the OMA tt’s, but i am impressed with what i’ve read about them. however; not sure they offer particularly top level value. either one. but maybe your relationship with Jonathan can help you there?
i did buy the Esoteric T1 last year; it’s a magnetic drive idler, not a belt drive. but it’s an amazing turntable that i love and it delivers. check out Fremer’s review of it. he directly compares it to his K3.
another one to consider is the Acoustical Systems ’Astellar’. not heard it as the first one’s are arriving at customers just in the last month. so no listening feedback yet, and no reviews yet either. it’s a belt but has some interesting design ideas.
my opinion is that both of these turntables likely equal the K3 overall or exceed that level at a lower price point. and the build quality of my Esoteric is remarkable. don’t know enough about the Astellar to comment about it.
and as you mention, there is more discussion of higher end turntables over on What’s Best Forum.