Ultimate Integrated amps

Here's a list of ultimate Integrated amps between 30-50K for people who want a simple rig with no compromise :
Dan D'agostino Momentum IntegratedAudionet HumboldtVitus SIA-30CH Precision I1Aavik U-380Jeff Rowland Daemon
Soulution 530
Feel free to add others that you know of or share your experience if you own one of them.Cheers

Showing 1 response by greginnh

I have an E-800 on order.   It should arrive in 3 weeks or so.  List is $21,500 and there is already speculation that the price will increase to over $25,000 very soon as the E-800 is rivaling the Accuphase separates in terms of performance.    At present, the entire year's allocation to US retailers as almost been spoken for.