Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!

I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder but this one should ranks in top 10.

I always loved the MC275 and its predecessors but this new trend which has extended to MC830 is a bit of head scratcher.

Feel free to add your pick…no judgements!


Showing 8 responses by macg19

@otherworld74 I'm not as offended by Wadax - seems like at least there is a method to the madness

@oldrooney I owned an EHF-200. They are not pretty up close. The whole space/mil build thing is just marketing and the sound is meh and the "transferrable lifetime warranty" is BS. The unit has to go back to Roger to be "re-certified for $500-$750 + 2 way shipping."

It’s just a ploy to make your buyer contact Roger and then he’ll sell one of his "used/demo" units at less than your asking price and way less hassle.

I traded mine in at TMR (bless them for taking it off my hands) and the transformer was barley attached with a bolt that was too short - they fixed it for resale and had to take the unit apart to do so.