Tyler Acoustic vs. Paradigm

I am considering a set of Tyler Acoustic Taylo Ref. or Paradigm Studio 40. Close to same $$ and size. Any opinions on these?
Never heard the Tylers. But think about what your getting with either. The Tyler's are direct from the maker.No dealer/distributor cost figured in. Also look at the parts.
Your getting better parts with the Tyler across the board...no doubt about it.Will this make a difference ? IMHO it does if designed to work correctly in the cabinet. IMHO you have to start with good drivers and parts when building a speaker.There are other crucial factors but quality parts is a must.

If you can hear them ..this would be best. I think Ty offers a money back guarantee..so you don't have much to lose but shipping.

Ty has a home demo program also. Maybe there's one in your area so you can check them out.

Good luck
I can't compare both, but I absolutely love my Taylo Reference Monitors. Used through Ty is an absolute steal for the sound, but make sure you also get the matching stands.

Why don't you post your state/city to see if someone here (near your area) would be willing to let you have a listen?
Listen to Gmood1.
1. With the Tylers, your getting a beautifully hand crafted speaker, which contain the highest quality parts, made personally by one of the good guys in audio.
2. Your supporting a small business based in Kentucky.
3.You'll be dealing personally with the owner of the business, and builder of your speaker.
4. If you call Ty he'd be happy to discuss your needs with you.
5. He'll take the speakers back if you don't like them.
Is there a down side here?

Just curious - Do you get any of this with Paradigm? hmmm.

Yes I own a pair of Linbrook Signatures and a pair of the little Freedom F-1. Both are superb at what they are designed to do.

I might even buy your used Taylos if you don't like them. Pick a nice finish, please. :-)

Paradigm are Tyler Acoustic are completely different animal. It's like a Toyota Camry vs. a Jaguar. One is for the mass market and one is more hand crafted and specialized to a small niche in the market.

I once heard a pair of Paradigm studio driven by a Yamaha reciever and the treble sounded like a thousand of metal blade clashing at each others all at once. If you like listening to treble instead of music then go for the Paradigm. But seriously I don't think I've heard a pair of speaker that have such an cocky and junvenile sounding treble (because it reminds me of those loud boom box in the school yards) than that of a pair of Paradigm.