Tyler Acoustic vs. Paradigm

I am considering a set of Tyler Acoustic Taylo Ref. or Paradigm Studio 40. Close to same $$ and size. Any opinions on these?

Showing 1 response by andy2

Paradigm are Tyler Acoustic are completely different animal. It's like a Toyota Camry vs. a Jaguar. One is for the mass market and one is more hand crafted and specialized to a small niche in the market.

I once heard a pair of Paradigm studio driven by a Yamaha reciever and the treble sounded like a thousand of metal blade clashing at each others all at once. If you like listening to treble instead of music then go for the Paradigm. But seriously I don't think I've heard a pair of speaker that have such an cocky and junvenile sounding treble (because it reminds me of those loud boom box in the school yards) than that of a pair of Paradigm.