Two surprising things I found that improved my imaging and staging...

... First off I have a odd room for my two channel listening and have been getting beat up trying to find proper placement. I have been reading a lot here and on the inter web and decided to use the room setup calculator on the Cardas site. ( )

#1 was how close to each other the speakers are now. I wouldn’t have placed them that close together.

#2 was that the best imaging and staging is with zero toe in.

Having a hard time wrapping my head around these changes but it’s the best my system has sounded since I finished the putting it together. lol


Showing 1 response by baylinor

Speaker placement charts should all be taken with a grain of salt, including Cardas. None of them can take in account what kind of acoustic treatment you got in your room or the type of furniture and any other artifacts you may have including anything you hang on your walls. Meaning you may have a starting speaker placement with a chart reflecting the size of your room, but in the end you will have to move the speakers around little by little trusting your ears and the toe-in will end up being the most critical decision you make. Be patient, learn about YOUR system and take the time to ENJOY the journey. Being an audiophile is all about testing your system for your ears and not about finding a magic formula on paper.