Tweeters are silent on my Wilson audio Sofia 2

Hello everybody, I’ve had the Wilson Audio Sofia 2 for over 10 years , always had a feeling that there were lacking the crisp clear highs I’ve enjoyed from the previous Sofia 1 .
I changed locations , amps , speaker cables , processor to no avail - still very muffy dull sound lacking treble/highs in all types of music , in both stereo and multi channel .
I already changed the resistors - no change in sound .
I hooked up to the same set up other speakers from another room (SVS Ultra , B&O) and also my center channel Wilson Audio Watch speaker and I am getting great sound so I know it is not my gear that causing the issue.
Gear used :
Speaker cables :Transparent reference MusicWave Super.
Amp : Emotiva XPA 2 -Gen 2 & Outlaw Audio 770
Processor: Marantz AV8805
CD : Marantz 6007
Subwoofer : Velodyne DD 15
Surround in wall speakers : SpeakerCraft AIM Cinema 5
Interconnects : Mogami XLR for main and sub and Transparent audio RCA to rest of the speakers .
Did anybody encounter or heard of this issue ? Any input is greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by barts

I gots to know:

Did you buy them new or used?
Did they always sound this way?
Does anyone else operate the system?

This sentence alone makes me think they are blown..

" amps i was looking at , keeping in mind that I want the Amp to have at least 300 watts / 8 ohms / 450-500 watts / 4 ohms"
