Tweaks That plug in to speakers and ? Why they work

I have listened to the synergistic loudspeaker filters and fond a slight improvement 
then at our audio get together these much higher quality Loudspeaker filters 
made from Jupiter capacitors and Mundorfs  NewUltra resistors noticeably better in every way,
the ? Is how can something this simple work ? I was told you have to have the correct rated value of parts to be effective , they made a nice improvement especially in the top end .i found them on us audiomart but I see they just started to sell on here also , does the quality of parts really make 
Thst much a difference ?  I  am started to explore this modding trend  maybe quality does count 
more then I thought itshould.

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Parts quality is so important, I once bought a tweeter upgrade from the Linaeum speaker designer himself. Heard it on my speakers in his design studio. It required a different crossover that he showed me exactly how to build. One resistor, one cap, very simple. Bought the exact parts at Radio Shack, hooked it up, immediately called him up wondering WTF is going on this sounds like crap nowhere near as clear and detailed as what you did!

After some questions to make sure I did it right he asks what parts? Radio Shack. "That’s your problem." So I ordered new parts, exact same values, and instantly heard massive improvement.

The way it works, parts are measured under static load conditions. Music is never static, it is constantly changing. Frequency, amplitude, swinging all over the place all the time. Only way we know to "measure" anything this complex is by listening.

This is exactly the same as the way everyone has 120V AC, or 100 watts per channel, or .3mv output, but yet everyone’s AC, amp and cartridge sounds different. It is all the same, only for some reason hardly anyone seems capable of seeing the patterns.

I think I know the reason. One of em anyway.