Tweaks such as demagnetizers ionizers for lp's

What are the options as in brands that demagnetize 12" lp's. The ones I have found seem to be expensive $2k and up.
What other tweaks are available ionizers included?

Showing 10 responses by tzh21y

I know what I heard and it was so night and day like, that if everyone had one, there would be more people listening to vinyl, that much of a difference, crazy as it might sound. I do not believe in a lot of the snake oil but I would say the furutech demag is a keeper. I have not heard the Talisman but if it is anything like the Furutech, I will be getting mine soon. lol Syntax! There is some crazy VooDoo going on for sure.
I have heard the results and they they areastouding to say the least. The Furutech Demag certainly does the job. The difference is not subtle. I wonder about the Walker device. Rushton says it works. If it is anything close to the results that the Furutech demag, it is a steal.
Dan I will look into it. For the longest time I associated mistracking with the distortion I was hearing. I took this record to the local audiophile shop. It was the new 200 gram Stowkowski Classic Reissue, track was Smetana the Moldau. He put it on and I heard the same distortions I heard at home. The he said, "wait a minute" He proceeded to put the record on the Furutech demag. Moments later, back on the table, distortion gone, period. It was a revelation to me. The strings sounded natural, cymbals sounded better, horns sounded better, piano sounded great. It was like a veil was lifted. The thing I do not like about the Furutech is the cost and the bulkiness of it. It sure did do good things, great things to vinyl playback.
Dan I will look into it. For the longest time I associated mistracking with the distortion I was hearing. I took this record to the local audiophile shop. It was the new 200 gram Stowkowski Classic Reissue, track was Smetana the Moldau. He put it on and I heard the same distortions I heard at home. The he said, "wait a minute" He proceeded to put the record on the Furutech demag. Moments later, back on the table, distortion gone, period. It was a revelation to me. The strings sounded natural, cymbals sounded better, horns sounded better, piano sounded great. It was like a veil was lifted. The thing I do not like about the Furutech is the cost and the bulkiness of it. It sure did do good things, great things to vinyl playback.
I have it and it is very comparable to the furutech. I hear the same benefits. This is great!
This has been a revelation for me. I have never enjoyed my music as much as I do now. Best 100 bucks I have ever spent on my system.