Tweaks such as demagnetizers ionizers for lp's

What are the options as in brands that demagnetize 12" lp's. The ones I have found seem to be expensive $2k and up.
What other tweaks are available ionizers included?

Showing 2 responses by dan_ed

Yes, the concept is valid. No, you don't have to spend much at all, not even $200. The results do vary from lp to lp.

Mag/demag can have a profound effect on tubes and cables, but don't try this while they are in the system. Remove them and do the deed on a table a good distance from your cartridge.

With digital discs the results are more uniform and profound.

Supposedly, the Tourmaline treatment stuff (negative ions) has even better results but needs to be applied more often. I haven't tried this myself but there is some good evidence to support the claimed results.