I’m wondering what others have done with their personal confusers & DACs using an USB interface.

I recently added more Bright Star iso nodes, small & large to see if some betterment could be had. I used the small ones under my USB HDD… and the large ones under the desktop…. MUCH IMPROVED!

Cleaner, clearer, and more discernable range articulation became evident.

I also use a PS Audio UPC 200 & Duet, for the desktop and some peripherals. That helps two ways… it makes the FILE playback better, and seems to aid the maind systems sonics too by helping to eliminate the influx of wall wart, printer, etc., from introducing artifacts to it.

Has anyone yet confirmed or dispelled the USB cable controversy?

With which USB cable are you running?

Anything you’ve done which has proven to exhibit audible enhancements to the overall sound waulity would be greatly appreciated to be disclosed here.
hdd format... ntfs, fat 32, Which RAID, etc.

Thanks very much.
I haven't tried this, but a few minutes ago I found this recent posting on another forum. Given your question I'm sure it will be of interest:

However, I have tried this: (I commented on it in the same forum referenced above, and boy did I stir up a hornet's nest) I switched over to Vista. In my view the sound produced by Vista is much better than with XP!

I went around the XP sound issue by using J River Media Player... and an ASIO driver.

The sound using the above is night and day diff! JR makes the needed changes to the pc audio system during it's install... Whoa! Adding the ASIO driver circumvents the sound mixer altogether, in windows.

My laptop uses Vista... but I've not yet run it into my audio system... I'm awaiting the completion of my HT/listening room first... and deciding upon which way to go with what NAS DRIVE, and how large.

Effectively, no sound card is being used in my setup... and I'm not getting any dropouts while playing files.
I have J River Media Jukebox downloaded now on both my PC and laptop running XP.
Are suggesting that I should still download ASIO driver?
Is that complicated and do I need to do that yet for best sound?
I would appreciate your help as I'm trying to get to the same place you are!