TW Raven 10.5" Tonearm what cart are you using?

Hi, I would like owners or individules to chime in who have heard this arm and with what cart, what combo did they prefer and why?

My table is the TW Raven Black Knight, my plans are to have only two arms set-up on this table.

Arm 1. - REED 12", is currently set-up already paired up with a My Sonic Labs Ultimate BC cart and I'm lovin it.

Arm 2. - TW 10.5 arm which is actually already mounted but haven't decided which cart as of yet to pair up with it.

I do have a few on my SHORT list, see below in no order;

- Lyra Olympos
- Ortofon MC A90
- Transfiguration Orpheus L
- Dynavector XV-1T

My set-up consist of;

- TW Black Knight table placed on a custom made Minus K
- MBL 101E speakers
- VAC Sig. MK2a pre with phono built in
- VAC Statement 450 mono blocks
- Stealth Audio cables through out

Showing 2 responses by inna

If I were operating within or around the budget you are I would consider having two table/arm/cartridge set-ups instead of just one turntable. As an alternative or in addition, I could experiment with different electronics too. One table and two arms/cartridges is never the best solution, as I see it. I would probably start by trying a few phono stages, something like Lamm, Allnic and Zanden.
What exactly did you find insulting? That was certainly not my intention as far as I know. I always read everything before responding and I think in my own way I was constructive. If you didn't like what I said, it's perfectly fine with me and should be with you as well.