TVC + Altmann amp?

Hi there, great site and my first post. I am intrigued by the Altmann BYOB amp for use with my Avantgarde Duo Omega speakers (108dB/W). My equipment is housed in an adjacent room to the speakers so I really need remote control of at least volume. This would mean using the Altmann amp with the volume control wide open. I would welcome your views on how successful this would be, particularly with something like the TAP TVC.

Showing 3 responses by rocketiii

Thanks Macrojack for your advice. I have concerns about using 2 passive devices and I have just received an email from Charles Altmann where he advises that the pot on his unit can be ignored because it would be fully open. I see what he means but would like to know of others experience before I consider purchasing.

Teejay - that's blown that idea out anyway!
I will take delivery of the Altmann amp next week. I'll try it with the pre-amp output from my Avantgarde Model 5 amp and let you know how I get on. I'll then decide whether to go the TVC route. Thanks for your replies.
Hi Macrojack - I got the Altmann BYOB amp and have been using for a week now (not as much as I'd like as I'm recovering from an operation). Anyway, I connected the amp direct to my Tom Evans Groove Plus and fired her up. Initially I found the sound to be quite similar to my Avantgarde Model 5 amp but somehow more relaxing to listen too. The bass is really solid and tuneful, mid range is very natural and top end slightly less emphasised.

So in summary I think the Altmann is terrific value and drives the Duo's to ear-splitting sound levels if you wish. But the funny thing is that I can't really be worried to listen to all the hi-fi criteria, I'm just enjoying the music.

Anyway, you said I'm adventurous and I am - I've ordered the Attraction DAC with all options. Charles Altmann emailed me today to say he'd shipped it so I'll post a further update once it arrives.

(T/T is Avid Acutus/SME V / Dynavector 17D3)