TVC + Altmann amp?

Hi there, great site and my first post. I am intrigued by the Altmann BYOB amp for use with my Avantgarde Duo Omega speakers (108dB/W). My equipment is housed in an adjacent room to the speakers so I really need remote control of at least volume. This would mean using the Altmann amp with the volume control wide open. I would welcome your views on how successful this would be, particularly with something like the TAP TVC.

Showing 3 responses by macrojack

You'll have to use an active preamp. Vinnie Rossi of Red Wine Audio says it is inadvisable to use two passive volume controls in series.
Incidentally, I had the loan of an Altmann Attraction DAC for about a week. Charles Altmann seems to know what he is doing. It was the finest digital I've ever heard. I'll bet his amplifier is astonishing. Wish I could use one.
Because the Sig 30 has only one input, I use a Purest Audio Design passive pre with 4 inputs as an input switcher. After I read Vinnie's advice, I bypassed the switcher and ran straight into the Sig. Big difference in terms of clarity and energy in the music. I'm going to buy Vinnie's switchbox and get rid of the Purest. Incidentally I liked using the Purest because it has dual volume pots which allowed for balance adjustment but even with both pots wide open, the compromise was evident. Too bad.
Rocketiii - I want to congratulate you for being adventurous. I'm sure you will be glad you took this step. It gets tiresome reading about the same old tired brand names month after month in the publications and in these discussions. In my opinion, too few of us step out and discover what else is available.
Please write a followup about your experience.