TVC + Altmann amp?

Hi there, great site and my first post. I am intrigued by the Altmann BYOB amp for use with my Avantgarde Duo Omega speakers (108dB/W). My equipment is housed in an adjacent room to the speakers so I really need remote control of at least volume. This would mean using the Altmann amp with the volume control wide open. I would welcome your views on how successful this would be, particularly with something like the TAP TVC.

Showing 1 response by herman

I had the BYOB with my Duo Omegas and tried it with the DAC straight to the BYOB and with my Placette passive RVC in-between.

With the BYOB wide open I could only use a few steps on the Placette before it was too loud. I had to turn down the volume on the BYOB to use this combo. I didn't feel like I lost anything doing it this way as opposed to the DAC straight into BYOB and using the BYOB vol ctrl.

I sold the BYOB because it could not match my DIY tube amp. The bass was tighter but not as tuneful, the high end a bit more extended but ultimately it just didn't sound as natural as my amp. I suppose that may be due to harmonics generated in my amp. The Altmann sounded very good and I see why people like it, but my amp sounds like music and the Altmann sounds like a great stereo.

Love the DAC though.