Turntables.....A point of diminishing returns?

   This post is sure to elicit many opinions. Everyone knows that a good audio system is a series of building blocks. Amps, speakers, cables, etc. To find the weakest block in any system can be a challenge to make a particular system sound as good as possible given the funds on hand. Almost anything can be improved upon. But, where does it end? There seems to be a point that an audio system, thru improvements, is about as good as it will sound. At least to the owner.
   No end to opinions about analog sound. Tables, carts, cables, amps, setup, and others. With all the renewed interest in vinyl, many are looking to optimize their current setup and others are content with what they have. Congrats to those. Other than looking at this as just a hobby, at what point does one just say...that's all my system is capable?
   I say this because in the audio world there is almost no limit as to how much money can be spent on equipment. If you fit into that category, I am envious. "Oh..Look at what this costs". But, as far as sound goes, is there really any tremendous benefit to spending mega dollars on equipment? I single out turntables because it's one of pieces that can demand those big dollars. One who can afford expensive tables probably has the funds for other expensive components.
   Look at this table. For $650k I wonder if it sounds many times better than the one I have.....


Showing 1 response by bifwynne

Lewm, I agree with you 100%. 

I have a first generation tricked up VPI  Classic 2.7 (sic).  It is actually a basic Classic 1/2 plinth, which I improved.  Many years ago, I switched out the basic 600 rpm motor to a Classic 3 300 rpm motor.  Shortly thereafter, I switched out the tone arm and tone arm base to the Classic 3 stainless steel tone arm and base.

My cartridge is a Lyra Kleos, which works just fine. My electronics are all recent ARC SE suite gear.

I am thinking about switching out my Classic 3 stainless steel tone arm to a 3D tone arm at some point.  No rush though.

In the meantime, I enjoy my system.  Maybe to some, it is sonic swill, but I do not care.  I still love spinning some great vinyl and am happy as a kosher clam.