@elliottbnewcombjr You're too kind. 😉
That's a heck of a turntable.
I just looked at your amazing system
Turntables: 2 Tonearms. What do you Have or Know About?
Turntables: 2 Tonearms. What do you Have or Know About?
I think it would be interesting/fun to create a list of 2 Tonearm TT’s
(2 arms or potential for 2 arms or more)
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I’m an old man (74), U can do it.
Hopefully this makes sense
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My 3 Arm Turntable: Became the Jewel of my System, 8th Photo Here
How did this happen? Covid Times, I upgraded eveything).
I listen to a lot of Jazz, both Stereo and Mono.
After learning here the advantages of a true mono cartridge, I wanted a second tonearm for a MONO cartridge ‘ready to go’. Got big plinth made for 2 arms, JVC VICTOR PL-2. Stereo cartridge on right, Mono cartridge rear.
Then I resurrected a MM Cartridge (new stylus from Jico). Squeezed an 'illegitimate' third tonearm on.
Right long arm is MC (fixed/difficult adjustments);
Rear Arm is MM (removable headshell/easy and quick adjustments of Tracking Force, Anti-Skate and VTA).
Left side arm MONO (fixed/difficult adjustments)
@elliottbnewcombjr You're too kind. 😉
Refurbished Audio Grail Sable early Twin-spark 401 in 22"x17"x2" Jim Campbell Pennsylvania slate plinth. Precision Audio Components oversize aluminum platter, Artisan Fidelity stainless steel idler, SPH Aluminum/POM grease bearing. Feet are 3 x Nobsound springs on slate pods. Jelco TK-850L 12" tonearm with Ammonite collar and Decca London Super Gold with Paratrace and Decapod. Rebuilt twice by John Wright. Added Decapod in 2019 Jelco TK-850S 9" tonearm with Decca London Gold (Garrott Brothers "Microscanner") with Decapod. Refurbished by John Wright with line contact stylus. |