Turntable volume help

Hello. I recently made the dive into vinyl & having an issue. It seems I have crank my amp into the 90-100% range to get decent volume out of it. I got an old Pioneer PL-514 from a friend, had it professionally cleaned & set up & replaced the busted cartridge with a Shure M97xE. Sounded awesome the store. Brought it home, hooked it up to a Rega Fono Mini into my Jolida 502b, and it sounds awesome. Only issue is the volume thing. Is there something I am doing wrong? Perhaps my amp isn't powerful enough? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as am I really loving my vinyl, I'd just like it louder! Thank you very much in advance!

Showing 8 responses by geoffj85

It sounded pretty loud in store hooked up to a solid state setup. It appears the Rega doesn't have an MM/MC switch, everything is connected as it should be. CD's sound loud & excellent. I've got good IC's, which leads me to believe that it is possibly the amp? Thanks again for the responses!
Manitunc, your post peaked my curiosity so I looked up my Jolida's specs & the input sensitivity is 600 mV. After looking at a few random integradeds, they're sensitivities are usually 1 V or more. Could this be my issue?
Ya the output level on the Rega controls the USB output. I dontmi d cranking the amp, problem is I want it louder but can't get it lol. I've got a few more ideas I'm gonna try tonight. Thanks for everyone's input!
Well after some tube, cable, & input swapping, I got a little better tone but the volume issue is still there. I'm pretty convinced the problem lies somewhere in the turntable or the amp. Any suggestions or experiments I can try to narrow this down a bit?
Al thank you so much for your post. That helped a ton. I pretty much just dove into vinyl with no research or anything, so I didn't even think to look up things like input sensitivity. I will research some amps & line stages & see what would be a good fit. I've kind of been looking at new amps anyway :) Thanks again for your help! Btw, I'm using klipsch rf-52's.
Thanks again for all of the input! After much consideration & speaking with jolida, I have decided to return the rega & go for a higher quality phono preamp. I ended up ordering a jolida jd-9. Hopefully this should resolve my volume dilemma & get better tone in the process.
Viridian, I fully agree with your post. I believe the digital era is sacrificing music quality for volume. A great example is all of the digi pak remasters of great classic rock albums you'd see at Best Buy & such. I blindly bought a copy of the Police "Zenyatta Mondatta" because it was cheap. Sounded terrible.

But I grew up with CD's & I like my music loud, so there lies my issue. I love the life & dynamics in vinyl that you just cannot achieve listening to a cd or mp3. I would just enjoy it more at a louder volume.

Has anyone else experienced newer pressed vinyls seem quieter than new ones? I recently got some Mars Volta albums that seem really quiet compared to a lot of older stuff that I have.