
Responses from geoffj85

Just how good is the Technics SL-1200?
I just got the chance to pick up a couple of 1200 mk 2's from a kid who thought he wanted to dj but didn't like it. I haven't seen them yet, but assuming they're clean & working properly we agreed on $200 for the pair. I'm gonna sell the dj ca... 
Sota Sapphire arm help?
After doing a little research I saw the Rega hole size is just slightly larger than the MMT, only like 1/4" or so. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle hopefully. Ill have to give Sota a call & find out on some upgrades. I had emailed about it &a... 
Sota Sapphire arm help?
Thanks for the responses everyone! I might just have the seller order me a Rega & have Sota make a new board. Seems to be the best option. This is also one of their upgraded boards, I don't really have the tools to make a wider hole. Thanks ag... 
TT upgrade advice?
Thanks for everyone's input! My biggest problem I'm having basically is, for my budget, vintage vs. new. From what I'm reading a solid vintage table with the right cart & setup can out perform most sub $1000 new tables if I'm reading correctly... 
TT upgrade advice?
Interesting...I live in Iowa so pickup wouldn't be an option lol. Just curious, what would that table go for? I can't find a used one anywhere. 
TT upgrade advice?
Thanks for the info! I prefer the look of the older tables compared to the regas/music halls etc. I like my pioneer, I'm just really hooked on vinyl & would like to get the best performance possible within my budget. How would that table compa... 
Turntable volume help
Viridian, I fully agree with your post. I believe the digital era is sacrificing music quality for volume. A great example is all of the digi pak remasters of great classic rock albums you'd see at Best Buy & such. I blindly bought a copy of t... 
Turntable volume help
Thanks again for all of the input! After much consideration & speaking with jolida, I have decided to return the rega & go for a higher quality phono preamp. I ended up ordering a jolida jd-9. Hopefully this should resolve my volume dilemm... 
Turntable volume help
Al thank you so much for your post. That helped a ton. I pretty much just dove into vinyl with no research or anything, so I didn't even think to look up things like input sensitivity. I will research some amps & line stages & see what wou... 
Turntable volume help
Right now I'm running JJ KT88's, NOS Mullard 12AT7's & RI Tung Sol 12AX7's. 
Turntable volume help
Well after some tube, cable, & input swapping, I got a little better tone but the volume issue is still there. I'm pretty convinced the problem lies somewhere in the turntable or the amp. Any suggestions or experiments I can try to narrow this... 
Turntable volume help
Ya the output level on the Rega controls the USB output. I dontmi d cranking the amp, problem is I want it louder but can't get it lol. I've got a few more ideas I'm gonna try tonight. Thanks for everyone's input! 
Turntable volume help
Manitunc, your post peaked my curiosity so I looked up my Jolida's specs & the input sensitivity is 600 mV. After looking at a few random integradeds, they're sensitivities are usually 1 V or more. Could this be my issue? 
Turntable volume help
It sounded pretty loud in store hooked up to a solid state setup. It appears the Rega doesn't have an MM/MC switch, everything is connected as it should be. CD's sound loud & excellent. I've got good IC's, which leads me to believe that it is ...