Turntable upgrade: What to do?

I have a Linn LP12/Lingo with Akito arm and Benz Micro Glider L2 cartridge. I have been thinking of upgrading the arm, possibly to a Naim Aro or Ekos II. But as I think about it, I wonder: Would my money be better spent upgrading the table? Is there anyone out there who thinks I could do much better than the LP12 table? I'm still sorta new to analog and, though I like my table, I don't really know how much better it can get.
Thanks for any advice!
I was sort of in the same situation as yourself. Check out my recent LP12 upgrade adventures under the 'Extreme Phono-first impressions' heading.
None is bad or wrong, just preference. Remember for each $, you get something, you loss something.

American camp - big, over-damped sound, shoot-for-the-star/deep-in-the-trench frequency extreme. VPI, Basis etc. Phono stage examples: Aesthetix, CJ Premier, Krell KPA.

British camp - fast, agile, not-care-about frequency extremes, timing and rhythm are kings, Rega, Linn, Roksan, etc. Phono stage example, Linn Linto (listening to Linto will teach everyone a lesson what rhythm/drive/timing is about.) Tom Evans, Audible Illusion M3 (without MC Gold).

Somewhere in middle - Well Tempered, SME 20/30, Simon Yorke, Micro Seiki, Clearaudio and other European tables which I have not had a lot of experience. Phono stage examples, Spectral DMC20, Vendetta Research, Hovland.

Notice that the somewhere in middle camp includes very expensive table, and there is a reason. To have the engineering cost in order to capture rhythm and timing, yet retains the weight, authority and frequency extrmemes do not come cheap.

Some people are just more sensitive to timing and rhythm, and others more critical to bass and 'air'. Getting VPI and squeeze more timing/rhythhm out of it (like adding SDS), or getting Linn and squeeze more extension (using carbon graphite), just different avenues towards a satisfactory musical experience.
You don't mention having had the Circus bearing upgrade. Ihave the new/latest Lingo P/S and if you go for the bearing upgrade too, you will have a mighty fine turntable as described in other postings
I had a Linn LP for 15 years and went through the upgrade path to cirkus bearing, lingo power supply, switched from Itok to ekos tonearm, etc. The last cartridge I had in it, for about 6 months, was a van den hul Black Beauty.

I have since bought a TNT Mark V with JMW 12.5. Everything else in my system, including the cartridge, has remained the same.

I liked the Linn and was quite satisfied. I still think it sounded really good. But the new rig is really in an altogether different class. In particular, the bass extension is SO much better that I don't think I could live with a Linn again. (Yes,the Linn was set-up by a Linn technician and the bounce was right on.)

While the Linn was "musical", the new rig has a more complex and yet more natural and authoritative sound. I hear more, and it is dead quiet. I listen exclusively to classical music and this new rig has been a revelation. I won't dump on the Linn, I was a fan for long time. But it is possible to do a LOT better.
Having drank the Ivor Koolaid myself for about 10 years, I now have a Teres 245, and it has the PRaT of a Linn, and wide response and digs deep into the fine detail. It is an excellent combination of sound quality that usually only comes with very expensive tables. The price is very reasonable for the performance level, and you can get it fully assembled, or a DIY kit. Very good value.