Turntable/Tonearm choices

What is your take on Clearaudio Ovation with Satisfy tonearm vs Thale Slim II with Simplicity II tonearm vs Stabi R with Kuzman 4 point tonearm?

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

I guess if you don't know its a copy of a 60 year old design then yes, its unique. https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2018/12/16/thales-simplicity-ii-tonearm-review/

The alignment jig is a lot like a Graham, except where Graham etches a precise cross and even supplies a magnifying glass for precision the "Simplicity" uses a huge circle for nice vague never sure what you got alignment. Awfully odd for an arm whose entire reason for being is to eliminate tracking error.

It also flies in the face of all other pivoted arms ever made in that they all strive to eliminate even the most microscopic amounts of play. Simplicity doubles down on play and vibration with two arm tubes, two counterweights, two of just about everything. Except, read the review, when it comes to the work involved in getting it set up its two squared.

My Origin Live arm like most others mounts the cartridge directly. There are a grand total of three pivot contact points. With the Simplicity, well frankly I lost count and will defer to raulireugas for the official count but it looks like at least 9. How 9 is more pristine and direct than 3 would be nice to know too.
Neither one. Much better by far in that price range is the Teres, which usually you would be SOL but right now happens to be one for sale right here on the site. https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lis9g8j4-teres-audio-certus-460-turntables
You could get this and with just about any good arm have something leagues better than anything Clearaudio makes and for a lot less money. I know, my table is a Teres, running flawlessly trouble-free 20 years, better than anything anywhere near the price and mine is a much lower version than this one.