Turntable speed measurements for speed accuracy?

I'm curious why don't turntable manufacturers publish speed accuracy measurements? Some do, but most don't.
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Showing 3 responses by mosin


The problem with speed accuracy in many turntables, as I see it, is that far too many of them depend upon mains current as their sole power source. If a turntable has a precision power supply, then speed control is addressed by default. In my opinion, a turntable's primary tasks are to spin a record accurately, and spin it quietly. Do that, and you are halfway home.



I agree completely. My answer was simplistic, so that's why I said "halfway there" in my post. There are so many relationships to consider that it is mind boggling. I suppose the real test comes when the stylus hits the record in the presence of experienced, but unbiased listeners.



Thanks for the clarity. It is possible to achieve speed stability, as you most certainly know. Still, it is a game of fine tuning that I suppose will always continue to progress. The best we can hope for is a result that doesn't hamper music, and that, like Doug says, is easier said than done.

