Turntable matching to MC or MM cart.

What’s your opinion on tt/tonearm matching with MC or MM cartridges...how relevant it is...what’s your arguments of good matching and do you have examples of perfect match ?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Irrelevant. Beyond irrelevant. MC or MM is irrelevant. Arm is irrelevant. Turntable does not matter either. The one thing that does matter is cartridge output. MC or MM, either way cartridge output must be compatible with your phono stage. If you use a very low output cartridge with a phono stage that does not have enough gain, results will be poor no matter what arm you mount it on. Likewise if you use a very high output MM cart on a phono stage designed for low output MC and you overload the input then again poor results.

Ultimately though I said "beyond" irrelevant. That is because all of this, true as it certainly is, nevertheless is beside the point. The one match that really matters is how the sound the cartridge puts out matches with how you want it to sound. How it sounds vs how you want it to sound. Only match that ever matters.