Turntable mat options

I'm happy with my Rega RP8/Apheta 2, but am rethinking the standard issue felt mat and would appreciate the group's thoughts: should I sit tight, use no mat at all, or consider something different? Thanks, Chip 

Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

Hey Chip,
I have had just about every type of mat you can think of and I really do not think the mat makes much difference. I think you can prove this to yourself just going back and forth between your felt mat and no mat. Do use a record weight or clamp. I do hear a slight difference when certain types of record hold down systems are used such as vacuum hold down and the Walker/SME style system that uses a very thin shim at the spindle and a screw on record clamp that forces the record into the platter. I hear an improvement in mid bass definition. 
As far as just a mat goes the felt is fine. If you see one that looks better to you and makes your turntable nicer looking that is fine. The only thing I can think of against felt mats is that if you do not have a dust cover they will collect dust whereas other mats you can just wipe off. Don't fall for the ridiculous marketing claims that come with most mats.  
Unberwaltz, absolutely correct. The best turntable system sounds like NOTHING. The only thing you should be listening to is the cartridge. nothing else. The mat is not so much the issue as the way the record is being held down. I do not think anyone can argue that the record should  not be perfectly flat and not be held tightly against a non resonating surface. Any non resonating surface will do and they all sound exactly the same, like nothing. If a turntable, mat or tonearm has a sound to it throw it away it's garbage. If you think it sounds better throw your ears away they're garbage. 
Chakster I'll bet you have the strongest trigger finger in town
Uberwaltz, did I say that? Smart guy. Some mats may be better or worse at collecting static depending on where their material falls in the triboelectric series. A vinyl mat would be hell for most people. Chaksters trigger finger would have a heart attack. Static and dust are never a problem if you use a conductive sweep arm. You would have to find some other exercise to keep your trigger finger in shape.
A turntable and tonearm should have no sound. You should only be listening to the sound of the record as interpreted by the cartridge nothing else. If you have a good table and arm and are unhappy with the sound get a new cartridge.