Turntable interconnects and RFI

I had my JVC QL-Y3F Turntable with Denon DL160 HOMC cartridge connected to my Cambridge 640P phono preamp with MIT interconnects. As I was looking through my cable stash I saw an old pair of unshielded TARA Labs. Seeing how I live in the middle of a corn field in a very rural area (90 miles west of Chicago) I decided to give them a try. WOW ! ! ! The MITs always sounded better between preamplifiers and amplifiers. Apparently these Tara unshielded really mate well with a cartridge signal in an area without any radio frequency interference. This threw me so far off of my expectations that it has posed some serious interconnect questions.
1) What are general guide lines for turntable interconnects?
2) How would someone know these things when living in the middle of a corn field?
Fortunately we have the internet for general information. Thanks to Audiogon I've been able to piece together turntable setup and equipment information. Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



Showing 3 responses by drewmb1


Thanks. Actually I would really like to know any guidelines for phono interconnects such as are there impedences that should be a concern.

PRESTO! NOW we're getting to the heart of the matter. Thank you for the suggestion about Denon and capacitance. Now for suggestions on interconnects that could mate nicely with my setup. Afterall I live in a cornfield with no audio advise available other than here.
