Turntable for a Newbie!


I am seeking recommendations for a TT under $1500.00.  What are the best TT’s currently available, new or used in this range. Nothing tedious, a simple plug n play TT after the initial setup will do. 
The goal here is to experience Vinyl and not build extensive library. My prime source of listening still be digital playback. If I like what I hear and able to sustain the ‘routine’ I may look into upgrading my existing TT / Cartridge down the road. 
A google search of best TT’s under $1500 lead me to bunch of Audio-Technica turntables and Marantz TT-15S1. 
The TT will be played through Shindo’s Monbrison preamp which I believe has a decent phonostage. 
Thank you for your suggestions. 


Showing 3 responses by noromance

Pioneer PLX1000 with a Nagaoka MP150 is my standard recommendation at this price point. Upgrading the cartridge ’down the road’ to a MP500 will yield results. You might also look at a Technics SL1200GR if you want to invest a little more. Resale should be no problem with that should you want to upgrade in future.
Agreed, but the Pioneer is half the price of the cheapest Technics.
A word of warning to the OP. "Experiencing vinyl" is not inexpensive. It really only comes into its own at a much higher price point. So when you hear about all the good things, chances are they are on higher-end tables. Case in point: I have a new $400 Audio Technica VM750 cartridge. It’s pretty solid and well-reviewed. However, swapping in a $1500 Decca literally blows it away.
@lalitk Your system is absolutely beautiful. Check out my turntable in systems. That’s the minimum you need to do justice to your rig. It is also possible that your gear will show up the shortcomings of lower-end turntables...