Turntable feedback rumble problems with new sub

I have a Technics 1200 M3D and KEF LS50s. No issues. I just added a REL T7i and have a runaway feedback rumble problem at high volume. I added Isonoe footers to the table which didn’t do much. Unfortunately the table and speakers sit on a big media cabinet from Design Within Reach which is not ideal.  Not sure what the right next move is.  More turntable isolation, put footers under the cabinet legs, new turntable, new furniture, or new house?

Showing 2 responses by totem395

Other than placing the Table in another room its a hit and miss
I assume your not using the table with the dustcover down
while playing or have the sub level and crossover adjusted 
to high?
As noted there are lots of tweaks but what many people 
continue to look the other way from is adequate room treatment
which will ameliorate room modes.

Please report back once you've tried at least 5 things and while
using the sub you still have issues.