Turntable cuing light

I was looking for a solution to cuing records in dim light and found a cheap effective light. It is a BBQ light for around $13 at Amazon that has three AAA batteries, 24 inch gooseneck and clamps to the rack. It looks good and so far does the trick! I didn’t want another wall wart in the system so the battery option seemed like the way to go.
Great idea, for so many reasons! Now I’ll have to dust my table though(been in denial). Just ordered this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073HFXSMQ
Very good idea
I was using a 120v version but for $13 this has been dropped into the wife's Amazon cart and hope she takes the hint!
Thank you
Your solution is more elegant than mine. I use the flashlight that came with a battery operated drill.
IKEA makes a small gooseneck LED lamp called “Jansjo” that I put beside my turntable. 
neat idea but watch out for those magnets underneath and your cartridge. just be careful you don't go close to your cartridge accidentally. I like the IKEA model better for that reason.
mgolpoor, good tip on the magnets.  Mine is clamped on the back of the rack the furthest point from the cartridge.
Now I can actually see how clean my stylus is(and the 38 years of dirt, on my tonearm). Easily got rid of the outboard magnet. The one on the clamp’s end will take a bit more effort.
@goose and @rodman99999  - I got the FlexitBright light as a Christmas gift. I like it! Thanks again for the recommendation. Works great.....