Turntable consultation

Hello friends, and thank you for help.

I would like to have your opinion regarding improving the SQ of my turntable. Since I haven't listen to other brands except mine, which is Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 with class A cartridge and Tube Box phono, I know its very good turntable & arm, but is it class A ?

And if I upgrade the tonearm to a better one like 9cc Evo or other models will improve SQ very much and no need spend on higher level turntable ?

Or if I upgrade to higher level turntable like Signature 10, or other brands like VPI Classic 3 . How much improvement will be ?

My main goal is: resolution, musical, neutrality, and no coloration.

I'm trying to understand what best way and is it worth to spend more money.

Thank you

Showing 2 responses by kiko65

I would agree with Jperry, your Shelter 9000 should benefit from a better phono pre bringing it to a whole new level of resolution and musicality.
The Rogue Audio Ares with Blue Cinemag option around $2,300.00 pairs well with the Shelter 9000. Just another option.

For $6,000.00 you will have tons of options; Sota, Clearaudio, Well Tempered, Acoustic Signature, Townshend, Basis, Avid, just to name a few.

I'm a big fan of Rega, for that money you may want to audition the RP10 with a retail price of $5,995.00. Killer table/arm/dedicated PSU!

Good luck!