Tuning Collars on speaker cables - concept and any good?

Hello all,
I was wondering if someone can tell me what the effect is in the "real world" of having tuning collar on speaker cables. Are such tuning collars any good (for example Stealth Audio offers them)? Is there any downside by having them?

It would be great to hear from other fellow goners who have first hand experience with them, if possible with Stealth Audio cables.
Cheers and thank you for sharing your information

Showing 4 responses by heaudio123

Tuning collars are awesome for people who don't understand the difference between common mode and differential mode signal rejection.

Common mode noise is noise that appears on both signal wires equally. If the signal appears on both signal wires equally going to your speakers, then the "net" signal is 0 ... i.e. they will have no effect on the sound (at all).  Now, if your speakers were "grounded" which pretty much no one does, then there would be path for the common mode signal to go, but still ... same signal on both wires, so the speaker would not notice.

Why does this matter?  Because these "Tuning collars" go over both wires and hence can only impact common mode noise/signals.  Now, one could make the weak argument they reduce EMI, and that would be true if there was a ground path for high frequencies, but your speakers are not grounded, and your floors are probably not metal (and grounded), so there is not even a good capacitive path to ground for them to make any difference. I am sure there will be some made up argument about transmission line effects .... but I already sold all my swamp land in Florida.
Are you in an artificial world?

When discussing audiophilia, this is often a question I wonder.
Which could be verified in about 2 minutes with an oscilloscope ... So the supplier must have scope plots on their web page of course?  .... We can just ignore that transmission line effects are impedance based and position of the collar would be meaningless I assume?

>>>>>Conclusion: the Stealth Cable
Collar works on the same principle as the Shun Mook Original Cable Jacket and the Cable Wrap from Highwire. It absorbs the reflected electromagnetic wave. Case closed! 🕵️‍♂️

Sure, you send me collars and I will test. I am fully set up, likely much better than the companies selling these. However, I am not in the habit of doing a vendor’s sales engineering for them, but in this case I will make an exception.

Are you volunteering? Please report results. Thanks in advance. 🤗

There was a thread going on Facebook, people more than willing to put up the money for a room, bring in their own high end equipment, etc. What do you think the odds are that suppliers will bring in their products for validation? No, those who advocate for them fully believe in them. No one references it as a way to engage in argument.   As most who advocate actually work in engineering and sciences, they would be more than qualified

Oh, and no one mentioned blind testing, as this is purely a simple measurement test.

I’ve suggested here for years that there’s a real opportunity to conduct such tests at an audio show. None of the measurementalists have ever shown an interest and of course with the current Covid crisis, it wouldn’t be possible.