
I have an Adcom GFA-585 Limited Edition Power Amp. I have a pair of KEF 105/3s bi-wired to the Adcom amp. I have a strange problem that I've noticed recently. With the Adcom amp on and all other components off, I can still hear (faintly) FM radio (from my receiver?)in my speakers!?! The receiver is a Pioneer VSX D1S. I use the receiver as my pre-amp, tuner and to connect my tv, dvd, and vcr. When I turn off the Adcom amp, the "noise" in the speakers stops.

The station I hear is NOT the one to which the receiver is currently tuned. I still hear the station when the receiver has a different selector (say...VCR) selected instead of the tuner. I do not live near a radio station. Should I call a audio technician, electrician or exorcist?

try powering off the amp, then disconnect the inputs & power it back on. Check for the RFI; if not present then reconnect the interconnects but now with the Rx powered off.
Repeat the test, power the Rx back on. You could also try some different interconnects - finding these problems is a simple process of elimination.
Classic case of radio frequency interference. Moving the components around a little and changing the path of the cables may cure the problem. Check the archived posts. This type of question has been answered before.