Tuner tragedy!

Curious question....

My beloved daily driver-66' Mac MR71 has suffered a tuner dial cable break!

Living in SoCal, I do have some repair options:George Meyer in LA and perhaps others.

Is restringing dial an absolute take it to the shop repair? Is there any online reference for a do it yourself job? I realize we, analog tuna guys are now a  dying minority!

Im now forced to listen to my $200 Cambridge Audio 550T. Its not bad, but it ain't the Mac!
I do like the remote and RDS display.

I know my ears will adjust in a few days, but I miss the almost real sound of the human voice/instruments and warmth only 13 tubes can provide. Amazing comparing the guts of the 25 pound Mac filled with components, with the 3 pound,1 board, made in China box.


Showing 5 responses by tablejockey


Thanks for the information. I have reasonable DIY skills, and the diagrams are invaluable.

Im gonna put my fixit hat on and get'er done next weekend.


"The easiest solution (which might sound crazy) is if you can, simply superglue the ends of the broken string together and then refit it."

that sounds like something out of the the playbook-"what would Mcgyver do?"

Im gonna open it and assess damage. If your suggestion looks doable, I’ve got a fresh tube in the handy drawer, along with the duct tape.

Thanks for the insight. 

Im guessing the cable is original, do you know what material  is used? I will also consider the dental floss-unwaxed, I presume.

"Thanks for providing your thoughts on the Rush reissue - I was really hoping that someone had heard it"


I may be wrong, since I HAVE NOT heard this reissue. Just can't imagine it being the exception to my experiences. 
I'm  ashamed to admit being a pessimist regarding ANY reissues.
The mono  Beatles stuff, I do enjoy. Real deal period is unobtanium.

My misspent youth listening reissues-Jeff Beck,Floyd,Trower,Zep etc. ALL leave me hungry a half hour later like Chinese food.

regarding your post of the Rush 2112 reissue.

Follow your gut... rock reissues, with the exception of unobtanioum, is to be avoided.

Through patience and persistence, bin diving rewarded me with  an unmolested period 2112 not long ago. As always with my findings, no punched up bass and overall "something’s not the same" feeling I ALWAYS get giving in and buying an overpriced, oversized black CD.

I will be boarding the"Thailand Express" at some point this weekend-cheers