Tuner choices? Help me please

I want a tuner with a remote. I'm looking for a used unit. I constantly switch stations. I looking at the Musical Fidelity A.3 (not 3.2 cannot afford used), Parasound T/DQ-1600, and Carver TX-12. All seem good for the used price. Any opinions? Comments. Please help I need a tuner.

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Hi Jeff, So I have infected you I see (LOL!).

The Creek T43 is a fine tuner with remote. Upgrade the stock power cord while you are at it.

Too expensive or can't find a used one???..........

then the Cambridge T500 is the same Creek design with a few corners cut to lower the cost (like made in asia instead of UK). The remote is extra ($39), but is good since if you find a used one, it is easy to pick up a remote from any Cambridge dealer.

Upgrading the power cord on the T500 is a must for the best sound. Try the Blue Circle BC61 ($80). Same for the Creek. Also put Vibrapods under them for issolation ($6 each). Cleans up the image a little.

The Marantz ST6000 mentioned above is also a good choice.

If you can live without a remote, some of the vintage Kenwood tuners have great sound. I have a KT8300 and KT6500.

My favorite audio cables for FM tuners that can be had used, are the original JPS Superconductor or its close clone the Millersound Labs.