Tune of the Day

"Blue Rondo a la Turk"  on the Two Generations of Brubeck album.  Wow.

There are many fine versions of this tune, but this one gets me dancing, clapping, fist-pounding, whatever, every time....and it's not easy to dance in, what, 9/8?  I love tunes that grow, build, develop, and move through changes.  This one just picks me up and takes me right along with it.  Great melding of jazz and rock idioms, too.  It's fun to imagine Dave Brubeck setting the groove and then sitting back to hear where his kids and their friends take it. 

You can continue exploring Dave and the kids on Two Generations of Brubeck, "The Great Spirit Made Us All".  And Chris Brubeck's rock/jazz band Sky King on "Secret Sauce".

For extra credit, give a "spin" to Chase, "Bochawa" from their last album, Pure Music.

Anyway, that's my two cents today.


Showing 12 responses by asvjerry

Didn't listen to a damn thing today except the spouse complaining about the 60 cps 'hum' coming through a tv moved to a different location.  Spent a chunk of the evening chasing that devil.  Turns out it was in just THAT circuit, no other.  No conspicuous reason WHY, either...

I hate 'bug hunts'.  Especially when the 'bug' laughs and hides, taunting...

It's a rented space.  I'm not going to rewire...

...and you missed this tour....*tsk*L*

...wish we got the audio from the board....maybe next time....

Better toys, different boys, and a drummer that Knows the rhythm method... ✋

...time to stop this endless hunting around, when you can Finally get what you're really looking for....

Just follow this magik link....

You can thank me later....much later...

@curiousjim ...that last suggestion sounds like Melania’s daily nightmare....when she’s stuck being around him, and the staff is oddly absent.... ;)


...been watching this kable klassic:

"Track Down All Trucks!" ('58, hard to find....)

('Two-fisted truck driver Tex Tirebiter takes on twelve two-bit truck stop tricks in a Truckee trailer court....' )

Timeless, as long as you've got some to trash.... ;)

It's either that, or the Edugration Channel #9....

-Renaissance Poisons

-Mental Demangement 

-Compulsory News

...or some entertainment of a sort...

-The Circumcision Game! (...real cutting edge stuff....!)

-Hexercise! (Brought to you by Looies' 'Wipe-Out' Pumice Hamburgers; "Wipes out the hole system, right on down the line!")


@curiousjim, understood...I've always seemed to be an unwilling 'contestant' in the game of "DUCK!", with few 'wins'...unless you count 'impacts' as such....

Lets' see....a car accident when 5, tossed me into the dash (when they were unpadded metal)....brother talked me into riding on the handlebars later on, and stopped suddenly on the concrete driveway....climbing a cinderblock fence, jumped off, and the top decorative block followed me down....flag football in Jr. High, scrimmage had me and a heavier lad did a literal 'head-on'...(I knocked him out cold while I stood listening to the songs of the of the solar system....coach wanted me to try out for the team...."F'NO!  That was quite enough, no thanx...")...Had an oak stool broken over my pate during a break-in @ a neighbors (ER intern, doing a 'baseball stitch' on my gash, commented that he'd had a lot of practice, doing such after 'bar brawls'...."Did you lose consciousness?" *sigh* Unfortunately...no...)...

And those are just the 'major ones'....  *sigh*

If it's low enough...I'm prone to hit it...

I feel lucky in the sense that I still have a certain amount of my wits about me... although many ( as well as 'here') would argue against that.... ;)

Ah, the Circumcision Game....reminds me of when a Jewish lady friend told me a joke amongst their sect...

"Never eat gribenes with a mohel....."

I recognized the latter term.....Phyllis defined the previous...


I've never had the 'pleasure'...and will continue to 'take a pass' on that.... ;)

*s*  ...yeah....after all that, and all the other psychic shocks 'n surprises that goes under the "Life ?!" tab, even self would begin to expect whispered hints from the cosmos....or, at least, one of the cats.....*zen 😏*

Any way, part of tonights'/tomorrows' playlist, no real disorder....

Don't stare @ the full scree....oh, forget it...

....crabby Cancerian, too close to cusp nor cuss....;)
Narayana....has legs, what a su-prize....*L*

...but more their style....😈

...and a mantra for yours unruly....*L*

Listen loud, J