Tubes vs. Panels?

A few months ago I started a thread in another forum about room treatments, and another forum member (after viewing digital photos of the room, a bird's eye sketch, and asking lots of questions) sent me back a computer-generated printout showing the placement of four 16" diameter bass traps that stood four feet high, and three additional 13" bass traps that stood 42" high.

I can fit all of that stuff in my room, but I'd really rather not.

Then, yesterday, in a different discussion, someone else sent me a link to an outfit called GIK Acoustics, which offers free-standing panels among other things.

My question: given that the panels probably won't work as well as the specific thing the computer wanted me to make, does everyone think they'll still work *reasonably* well? I could buy them relatively inexpensively and not have to reconfigure the whole room.

Showing 1 response by mingles

Dog_or_man, I'm in a similar situation--I'm trying to decide how to treat my room with panels or tube traps. I wasn't aware of a software program that determined the ideal size of the tube traps. Can you tell me what you're using or point me to a web site. Many thanks, Mark