Tubes and GAIN on Cary Rom-808

The NOS Black plate 12BZ7 tubes and the 12AX7 tubes are possibilities for GAIN portion of my Rocket 88.

I have little understanding of these. I have them both. I check the bias when I roll them.

Does anyone have knowledge enough to expound on the subtle differences/changes that can be listened for when choosing either one… if there is any?


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Showing 1 response by lewm

There are a few factual errors in Jason’s posts. Use of a cathode resistor does not necessarily limit the ways in which the tube is biased . Current is measured in amps, not “watts”, but if you multiply plate current by plate voltage (voltage from plate to cathode) you arrive at the power in watts that are dissipated by that tube in that particular circuit. Manufacturers publish an upper limit for plate current, voltage, and power dissipated. It’s a good idea to observe those limits. Until now I’d never heard of the 12bz7, but specs reveal it is a high mu, low transconductance dual section triode. Not much different from a 12AX7.