Tube Vs. SS Preamps

Oddly in +25 yrs in the hobby, I’ve never really owned a tube preamp. Can you comment on what the differences are in general sonic terms? I want a really fatigue free sound with lots of body (I run class A and class AB solid state amps).

Do you find SS preamps to be fatiguing typically, more so on average than tube ones? Or is it simply the added bloom that's appealing with tube preamps?


Showing 1 response by mofojo

For the moment I’m back on full tube. Tube preamp for me adds a lot of body ss is lacking although I’ve never had what you might call a “high end “ preamp. 

Ive dabbled with tube pre and ss amp along with ss pre amd tube amp. I found most of the magic resides with the preamp tubes. The ss pre with tube amp did not sound good at all. Like bad. Ymmv.