Tube Research GT-100, GT-200, Lamm 1.2 for 4 ohm

Guys, I am looking into upgrading my amps, my speakers are Reimer Tetons, with a load from 3.8-4 ohm. I am looking for as close as I can get, to high power SET sound, with the midrange magic, but extended treble, and monster bass. I understand my pre-amp will be important too, but, I am concentrating on amplification for now. I am not dead set on these amps, per se, and would love to hear some suggestions, and feed back from owners who have these amps.

Thanks in advance

I keep trying other amps but nothing I've heard has outdone my Lamm M1.1s... on my Wilson Watt Puppy 7's which are a 4ohm load with a min of 3.6ohm. and this is the strongest 100watts of class A magic. There is a reason this combo has won some of the best systems sound at all the stereo shows over the years. The midrange is glorious, and the soundstage is huge, plus the mid/low bass has serious impact and most importantly CONTROL!

Getting an excellent preamp of course makes the experience even more enjoyable.

Plus the beauty of a single 6922 input tube per monoblock that are $25 each from Lamm!

You have got to hear any of the Lamm amplifiers (I owned the 2.1's also but this 100watts of class A power outdid my 1000watt a channel 125lb Class AB, so I went for more Class A bias)

They generate a ton of heat as a true Class A design but I just listen with the AC on, a cold beer, and shorts/tshirt in bliss! I spend more time listening instead of tube rolling which is most excellent for me, but might limit others.
Stick with the GT-200's, 711. Trust me ...

Welcome to the club ...

Best wishes,
Jack Seaton
I previously owned the LAMM 1.1 and the ML-2. I thought nothing would ever get me to change amps. Then I heard the Tube Research GT-200's. Completely changed my perception of what a amp could do. The most amazing piece of audio equipment I have ever heard.

711, the TRL amps are very nice. I would suggest bringing the rest of your system and room up toward that level before taking the plunge. Everything matters.