Tube preamp with Adcom amp

I have been wanting to use a tube preamp in my system but never had the chance to try one. I recently purchase an Adcom GFA-5500 with a Rotel RC-995 and to be honest, is sound good but I want to try something different. I am using the Vandersteen 2ci as my speakers. Due to my style of music, I have always been a SS guy. What would recommend for a tube preamp that will work with the 5500?

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Showing 1 response by mazian

I have just bought a 1 year old UK designed icon Audio LA4 Mk 111 pre for just over US$1000, mainly out of curiosity given AbSounds very positive review. I changed the EH 6SN7 tubes with Shuguang Black Treasures and am amazed at the performance. It is the quietest tube pre I have ever heard and it outperformed my 5 times more expensive well reviewed pre in all ways  - black background, musicality, soundstage etc. I won't name the pre as I will be wanting to sell it but the icon is a bargain even buying new.