Tube preamp match with Solid Stare amp

I'm looking for recommendations for a balanced TUBE  pre amplifier..preferably one that also has a phono input.. with a low output impedance.  I'm currently using an Coda No.8..which was designed with balanced in mind.. but it has a pretty low balanced  input impedance of just 10k ohms. Price.. I wouldn't like to spend more than 6k. 

Thank you all :)


Showing 1 response by bondmanp

FWIW, I run a McIntosh C220 (discontinued) into an Arion Audio S500 switching amp. Love this combo. The C220, which you can find used without too much difficulty, has the features you want and more. It’s very good tube phono stage is MM only. Moving up to a used C2300 or C2500 will get you a MC/MM phono stage, but might bust your budget. I think my C220 has balanced ins and outs for everything except the phono stage, which is unbalanced. Also not sure if the C220 is internally balanced or not. Also, I have about a 14 foot run of interconnect to the amp with no issues. My amp is neutral and very clean. The C220 is just a bit on the warm side of neutral.