tube preamp in SS receiver loop

From noob, a very basic and probably very stupid question that I can't seem to find answered elsewhere:

I want to experiment with inexpensive tube sound to augment a modest solid state receiver. I have looked at tube buffers marketed expressly for that purpose, that is, for those who want to insert tube "warmth," which I know is a kind of distortion that many hate, into solid state setups (e.g., the Grant Fidelity B-283). But I would like a tube phono stage as well. So I am looking at a tube preamp with one line level input and one RIAA input. But I would like to use it on all the line level sources coming through the receiver (tuner, CD, computer, ipod, whatever), so it would go between the pre out and main in on the receiver, or else in the tape loop. In other words, the line level signal would go through the SS preamp, then the tubed one (the turntable would of course go straight into the tube preamp). Is it kosher to use a preamp in this way? That is, as a buffer stage that comes after the solid state receiver's preamp circuit? In other words, can you use a variable gain preamp as a (passive?) buffer? Clearly I have no idea what I'm talking about. Thanks for any thoughts you may have.

Showing 1 response by drjjpdc

You are on the right track and I agree with Fmalitz. I have direct experience with what you want to do. When I wanted to do separates years ago I could not afford a tube pre and power amp. Plus I have a fairly large room and I like orchestra and organ recordings, played at a decent level. That cut out the tube power amp, unless I could afford a Wotan or other model for 20K!

I had a Pioneer surround receiver and I was ready to spend money on a tube pre. I bought an Audible Illusions Model 3 (I have since upgraded it to the 3A), plugged it into the main on the receiver and used the pre for switching inputs and volume, etc. I remember bringing my receiver to the High End store and switching between the receiver volume section and the AI Pre. I could not believe the difference, it was amazing. There are a lot of used tube Pre's out there. Also new ones too.