Tube preamp: Cary SLP-03 vs Schiit Freya+

Hello all.

I realise it’s a slightly odd comparison, given the age gap, but I’m looking to add a tube preamp to my all-SS chain (Mytek Brooklyn Bridge going straight into ELAC Navis powered speakers). The Schiit Freya+ has been getting rave reviews, especially for its price point and its versatility (passive, buffer or tube), but is currently back-ordered and also it is said to feel a bit flimsy (no miracles). As a result I have been looking at older, formerly more expensive, tube preamps that can be had for a similar price today, leading me to the Cary SLP-03. I have also looked for ARC, BAT, etc but they all tend to be well above my price range (max 1500). 
Would you, we’ll-read and listened fellas, have any views on the above choice or any other recommendations? I’ve been scouring forums and used gear websites for literally tens of hours and I need a bit of advice at this point.

Many thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

Too bad the supply chain or whatever denies instant gratification for gear purchasers...I wanted the balanced Loki and man...they told me it's gonna be months. I'm an "early adopter" of an original series Freya and it easily hangs with any preamp I've compared it to, including a few very pricey tube preamps in systems belonging to friends (when I first got it I was forcing it on others for comparison as clearly I'm a raging bully)...much to their (and my) surprise it equaled or surpassed all of 'em. It's built very well and not at all "flimsy" (where people get this stuff is a head scratcher), and responds to tube rolling instantly (I've tried many new and NOS tubes in the thing over the years and settled on NOS GEs which last a very long time and sound great). My Freya is a very low noise example that just sounds superb, and shows what a smart and discerning person I must be...I just am...maybe...or maybe not...always shilling for Schiit...*sigh*...can't help myself.