Tube Pre/Monoblock Recommendation

Hi everyone. System is posted. New home and design changes are mandating, (which I'm happy about), going from a tube integrated, (ARS Sonum) with my merlin VSM-MXe's to a Pre/Monoblock config.

Monoblocks are for aesthetic balance in room so while I recognise there are a million good stereo amps, solid state amps, etc... for the purposes of this request, if you could suggest some nice looking and great sounding Pre and Tube Monoblock suggestions to go with my Merlin's. I would be most appreciative

I'm not averse to a pre with a phono stage included as vinyl is my number one source and I currently have a separate phono stage, (Tron Seven), so I'd at least like it to be as good as that.

Let see what else... distance from amps to pre, about 25 feet or so and room is about 15x25 feet.

Music is Jazz, Classical and Contemporary/Alternative

Finally, would like to keep it in and around 8 to 10K all in if at all possible and used is fine.

Thank you for any and all help.

Showing 1 response by rushton

Use Atma-Sphere MA-1 monoblocks. A superb match to the Merlins. Also, one will have difficulty doing better than the Atma-Sphere MP-1 full function preamp.