Tube Pre C2200 , Rogue M99

I am on the lookout for a good TUBE pre. So far i have heard the Mcintosh C2200 which i liked very much. Another option i'm considering is the Rogue Magnum 99 which has very good reviews. Unfortunately there are no Rogue dealers in my area to have an audition. Is the M99 in the same league as the C2200, given the price is nearly half . Not that i consider price a deciding factor but Stereophile has rated C2200 in class 'A' & the 99 in 'B' which i suspect might be based solely on the price brackets. Has anyone actually compared the two. Greatly appreciate your views.

My sys - Mac MA6900,Linn CDP,TDL Reference studio monitors.



Showing 1 response by kevziek

You can't make a judgment on a preamp's sonics based on listening to each in two totally different systems. I don't know which is better; however, I did speak to someone who owned both, and preferred the Rogue in the end for being more musical & realistic in the midrange.

My suggestion: buy a R99 here on Audiogon, try it, compare it to the C2200. If you like the Mac better, wait for one to go up for sale, sell the Rogue for what you paid for it, and buy the Mac. Then let us know your decision.