All, I have a old AR LS-8 that i pair with channel island d-200's I like the sound but want to upgrade pre-amp with newer and one that has remote volume.
Would like to stay under 4500. (new or used) and still want tubes.
I suggest to check Joule-Electra LA-150. Its within your budget, extraordinary musical and has variable output impedance so you can match it with solid state amplifiers having either high or low input impedance.
I use it with my Spectron and its match made in heaven !!!
Marakentz, it appears that both of us didn't read the OP opening very well. Yes, what you state is true, but not relevant to the OP needs. I failed to notice that he goes on to mention the specific Class D amp he'll be using; the Channel Islands D-200's, which I believe has an input impedance of 100 KOhms. He should have many options available.
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