Tube Power vs Solid State Power

I continually hear Tube power is more powerful than Solid State Power. IE; “A 20 watt tube amp’s power is like a 60 watt Solid State Amp’s Power” and so on… Is this true ???

I always think of the “What’s Heavier, a pound of Feathers or pound of Rocks story?” A pound is a pound right ? 
Maybe someone could offer some thoughts and explain if this is true or not. 

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

All I can say is what I’ve experienced. I have 95 db sensitive open baffle speakers from Spatial. I’ve run about five amps from six watts a channel tube up to 700 watts a channel solid state mono blocks. Of everything I tried, 20 watts of transformerless tube has the best bass, best dimensionality, best imaging, best everything. More watts didn’t make for better sound, just more headroom I didn’t need.

Sshhh, you’ll wake the circular argument tautology ostriches. One of em might pull its head out, see its own shadow, get so startled it thinks its a hedgehog, go running for cover bang into a mono block pass out and wake up sputtering word salad. On second thought never mind, same difference.
A watt is a watt. This is what in logic is called a tautology, a statement that is always true and therefore says nothing. A watt is a watt is the kind of thing that impresses the non-thinking type susceptible to irrational emotional stories.

Besides, it takes like about three seconds to realize what total BS it is. We all know plenty of examples of solid state amps that measure the same watts but yet one sounds more powerful. We also know the same for tube amps. If not all tube watts sound the same, and not all solid state watts sound the same, then what reason do we have to think all tube watts sound the same as all solid state watts? None.

This is what we like to call an airtight argument. No two ways around it. Tube watts and solid state watts are not created equal. The only question now is which tends to sound more powerful than the other? Tubes. Hands down. Not even close.

Another clue this is true, solid state people are always trying to explain away the fact tubes seem more powerful. They come up with all kinds of fancy theories. Being illogical, they do not even notice this is all very much beside the point. Nobody ever said tube watts measure greater. That would be absurd. What we say is they give the distinct impression of being more powerful. No amount of "explaining away" will ever change that.

Yet they keep on, like the Energizer Bunny, equally irrational, they keep going, and going....